

Thursday, September 29, 2011

HELP when the rubber meets the road parenting can be so difficult. I know I have many faults but I do think I am a very patient and understanding parent.
 I an hoping that there are some of you will have survived a emotional preteen girl!  Mine has decided that crying very loudly for long lengths of time is a daily activity. Many of these times I just love on her, talk to her but most of the time she just wants to howl. I understand, since sometimes I want to do the the same :) On the hand, it makes the rest of us miserable . When I send her in her room she makes sure she just howls loud enough we can still commiserate with her !

I would love some thoughts and encouragement. I am doing all the things the books and people say but I may still just loose my mind !:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Just to let you all know the thought behind this page:
I woke up the other morning thinking  that life was feeling very much in a rut. I get up everyday, kids go to school, I go to work, we have dinner, we do homework, snacks, begging for just 5 more min. till lights out ( kids beg for this not me :). Anyway, you get the picture. The next few days were spent with me feeling moody and maybe even a bit depressed. Shouldn't I be doing some amazing act to stop the mundane of daily life? Slowly ( cause my heads a bit  thick ) I heard a Still Small Voice reminding me what the biggest most amazing thing I am called to do. Wake up every morning ..take the kids to school, work, make dinner, do homework and in the midst of all that fully engaged in each little detail. Stop and look that person directly in the eye and just for a brief second touch their soul with love. Literally stop and smell the flowers you walk by every day. Most of all, as a mother teach my children  to live this way, fully alive and awakened to all that is !
This my fellow mothers is no small feat in my world.I am not a natural optimist I prefer to consider myself a realist :)
As I start this journey of being fully engaged and awake with my children I invite you to come with me and to share your wisdom with me!
